Fabio Marazzi

Managing partner / Bergamo/Milano / Law

Born in Milan in 1963, graduated in law in 1987 from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, jurist, specialized in international business law, and after experiences at the law-notary firm Carimati in Milan, he attended the law firm De Bandt Van Hecke and Lagae in Brussels and then Linklaters Alliance and Lambs Chamber in London, obtaining LLM -Master Degree- at Leicester University and the Parisian law firm Braunschweigh; in 1993 he founded Marazzi&Associati (formerly known as M+RZP and then Emmeplus), assisting Italian, European, and non-European companies in the legal processes of internationalization and in M&A transactions: has offices in Bergamo, Milan, Rovigo and Washington, D. C. 

Fabio has decades of experience in international commercial law, M&A transactions, extraordinary corporate transactions, EU law, and a long experience in assisting issues related to innovation and technology transfer processes. He has been a member of numerous national and international, public and private boards of directors and supervisory bodies including: member of the board of directors of the De Gasperi Foundation; member of the board of directors of Expo 2015 SpA (from April 2010 to April 2015); Italian Government Agency for the Dissemination of Technology for Innovation; responsible for legal strategies and intellectual property enhancement for ItaliaCamp Foundation; Vice Chair of the Aerospace and Defense Steering Committee of the American Bar Association; member of the Steering Committee "Cybersecurity" of the American Bar Association; CEO of Ambrosetti USA (2013-2015); Vice Chair of GoToWorld (2013-2015); Chair and coordinator of the supervisory body of the Mont Blanc Tunnel EEIG (October 2015): Chairman and coordinator of the supervisory body of Alpinestars S.p.A.; Consultant to regional and government agencies. 

Vice-President for Italy of the Foundation "IBIS-International Business Integration Shkodra," Albania. Fellow member of CILS, "Centre for International Legal Studies" in Vienna: Founder and fellow of the "Institute for Law and medicine", Vienna: Advisor of "UAE Health Network", Dubai: Advisor of the "Air & Space Strategic Studies ", Herzlya, Israel: Fellow friend of the "Fisher Institute", Tel Aviv: member of the Jewish Economic Forum, Jerusalem; fellow of Chatham House, London; Vice Chairman of the Biotech&Law Committee of the International Lawyers Union: member of the Amerigo Association. 

Member of the American Bar (American Bar Association) Washington DC section since 1994; participates in working committees of numerous professional, national and international organizations including: IBA-International Bar Association: UIA-Union International des Avocats: ABA-American Bar Association: ASIL - American Society for International Law; ASLA, Association of Associated Law Firms; ACC, Association of Corporate Counsels and is an "accredited member" as a mediator and arbitrator of the FICM/Mediation Conciliation Network. He is the author of numerous publications, nationally and internationally. University lecturer. 


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