

EU imposes sixth round of sanctions against 9 individuals and 7 entities in Myanmar/Burma

The EU has introduced its sixth round of sanctions against nine individuals and seven entities in Myanmar/Burma due to ongoing violence, human rights abuses, and threats to peace and stability in the country. 

The sanctioned individuals include high-ranking military officers, businessmen who have supported the military with arms and goods, and politicians and administrators involved in the execution of democracy activists and overseeing military actions. The entities include state-owned enterprises and private companies that supply fuel, arms, and funds to the military. These individuals and entities are subject to asset freezes and travel bans, and EU persons and entities are prohibited from providing funds to them. 

The EU also continues to enforce other restrictive measures, such as an arms embargo, export restrictions on equipment for internal repression, and a ban on military training and cooperation with the military. The EU condemns the ongoing human rights violations, attacks on civilians and ethnic and religious minorities, and recent air strikes on civilian targets and will continue supporting the ASEAN's and the UN's efforts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis and call for swift implementation of ASEAN's Five-Point Consensus.

For more information visit Myanmar/Burma: EU imposes sixth round of sanctions against 9 individuals and 7 entities

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